Week five

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 4:20pm

As always in Q4 we have been super-busy. The week got off to a great start with us going to Langtree Park for our Sky-Try experience. We were put through our paces with some of the academy players, passing and tackling. We had a tour of the stadium and also explored the ‘Eat-well Plate’ – it’s really important to have a balanced diet!

In English this week, we have been exploring newspaper reports. We are reporting on an incident that has left poor Duncan’s bedroom in a right state. A box of crayons appear to be the culprits! We explored the features of a newspaper and have written and edited our lead paragraph.

In Maths we have been solving some tricky two-step problems that involve more than one operation. We are gaining confidence with these and some of us are able to represent the answer using a bar model too!

Guided Reading has really taken off this week and we are really enjoying our text, ‘Esio Trot’ – what a funny name for a book. Read it backwards and it may make more sense! We are getting better and better at between-the-lines questions, finding clues in the text. One thing’s for sure, Mr Hoppy will go to great lengths to get what he wants!

A huge well done to; Emily, Izzy, Sophie, Ruby, Alicia, Maddison, Peaches, Zach, Abigail and Jia, who all scored 100% on their spellings. Jayden was our Star Badge winner, whilst Peaches and Ruby topped our Dojo charts. Mathhew is the first winner of our Maths Star trophy after getting 100% on our end of unit test. You’re all Superstars and Mr Houltram is very proud of you.

Lastly, we wish Zach a very happy 9th Birthday on Saturday. We hope you have lots of fun!

That’s all from us this week. See you next week. 

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