Willowbrook fundraising event

Date: 1st Dec 2016 @ 5:58pm

Today year 5 had a visit from Pam Williams and Diane Humphreys who work for Willowbrook Hospice.

The children discovered facts about the hospice such as: how many patients can be looked after there, how much money the hospice needs per year, which is an incredible 4 million pounds, what the staff and volunteers have to do in order to raise that amount of money because they only recieve 1 million per year from the government and how many charity shops they have located around St Helens and Knowsley. 

The children must plan a fundraising event in order to raise as much money as possible to support Willowbrook hospice. 

The children are very excited and would like us to pass on the message about our events to support the hospice, which will be taking place after Christmas. Details to follow. 

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