Welcome to Q6!

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 5:28pm

I'd like to say a huge, happy welcome to my lovely new class and their families.

Well, what a week we've had! It's been so busy - does not feel like we've had 6 weeks off!

We have been preparing for our 'School Values' assembly which is in a couple of weeks time. We feel it is important to share our school values to remind everyone what makes us so special and unique at Queen's Park. Our values underpin the ethos of our school and we feel we have a responsibility to share them with the Reception children as they embark on their Queen's Park journey. We are also excited to introduce ourselves to our buddies, who we will be taking under our wing, being there for them and helping them to grow!

In English, we have been looking at The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson. We have done a great job analysing it and we have dealt with some very tricky vocabulary! In Maths we have been working on our Place Value up to millions... we will soon be ready to work with numbers up to a billion - and use our Maths Mastery approach to challenge ourselves to some problem solving and reasoning activities.

We enjoyed reading Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl in Guided Reading - it is Roald Dahl day coming up and we wanted to celebrate the incredible stories he has written, including those short stories which were aimed at adults. We have been able to sequence the story, as well as discuss Roald Dahl's use of language and the impact it has on us as a reader. We actually felt really sorry for Mary Maloney - we laughed along with her at the very end of the story!

Busy busy busy... but loads of fun!

Bring on the rest of the year! It's going to be a GREAT one :)

Miss Hughes and Q6 x




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