Where did the week go?

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 1:14pm

So what have we been up to? What haven’t we been up to more like. We sure know how to cram a week of learning in!

For our English we have been planning a biography all about famous poet, William Wordsworth. The children are really making a conscious effort to create their own style of writing which is pleasing to see. Their finished pieces are just great!

In our Maths lessons we turned our attention to division. It sure was tricky but Q4 are very resilient and stuck at it. For our Maths Meetings this week our focus has been Roman Numerals. We are very close to knowing them all up to 100.

Science saw us explore teeth. They have some interesting names like incisors and molars. We looked at the different types of teeth and their functions and managed to compare our own to those of carnivores and herbivores. 

In our History we found out what the Romans liked to do for entertainment. Ask the children all about it. We also found out about Roman Gods and Goddesses such as Venus, Juno and Minerva. 
In Geography we researched the country Italy and came up with a fact poster. The children worked in pairs to produce some excellent informative posters. 

Well done to our Star Badge winner this week, Codie Start, who has really impressed me with her writing. Ruby, Alexia, Jia, Matthew and Kacey all scored 100% on their spelling whilst Alexia and Hayden topped our Dojo charts. A huge Well Done to all. 

See you next week!

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