
At Queen's Park C.E/U.R.C. Primary School, we believe that it is essential to develop strong partnerships with home if our children are to achieve their full potential. Parents and schools working as partners can only increase pupil achievement and help to develop positive attitudes about self and school.

We aim to establish a mutually supportive and respectful relationship with all our parents where trust and respect is at the heart of all we do. We aim to keep parents informed and involved in a positive way, through working in partnership together in order to help every pupil achieve their full potential socially, emotionally and academically.

Being a welcoming and friendly school for parents/carers and visitors

Our office staff aim to respond swiftly and efficiently to the needs of all callers and visitors.

We make the school a safe and vibrant environment.

We provide clear signs around the school to direct parents/carers/visitors to the reception area.

Our Text messaging service provides immediate communication and information for parents.

The regularly updated website communicates the key information about school life, as does our Twitter page.

Email distribution of letters and newsletters provides prompt information for our parents. Teachers may also communicate with parents through Class Dojo.

Daily Greet – each morning, staff are available at the doorways of their classes to meet and greet the children and provide parents the opportunity to informally share any information.

Newsletters – these are sent out on a weekly basis giving information of dates, events, what is happening or going to happen in school, celebration of achievements and general information. 

The School PTFA – they successfully run many fund raising events throughout each school year such as the annual Christmas and summer fair, the children’s discos, a Christmas fayre, bingo evenings  to name a few, and all help to raise funds for enhancing facilities for the pupils at our school. 

Community Based Events – these activities provide opportunities for parents to come into school and share their talents, skills and expertise with the children. This collaboration with parents helps develop skills for life and prepare our children for future roles in society.

Parent/Teacher Consultations – individual consultations with parents are arranged during the Autumn and Spring Terms, to discuss children’s progress/targets.  Appointments can also be arranged at the end of the Summer Term to discuss End of year Reports.

Written Reports – interim reports are sent home  twice a year (October and February) and end of year to inform parents about their child’s achievements and targets for the next term.

Celebration Events – such as special assemblies, Harvest and Christmas presentations, Sports days etc 

Induction events for our new parents – these provide opportunities for all prospective parents to find out about the school,  to discuss all transitional decisions and ensure relevant and appropriate information is distributed .

Classroom Workshops – throughout the year, we invite parents to take part in activities in a specific area of the curriculum so that they can find out how their child learns at school in order to support them effectively at home. These include our half termly drops in covering various areas of the curriculum, including Pick up and Pray and Come In and Count.

Twitter – we have a very active Twitter page which we use to share information with parents. All class teachers regualrly update their Twitter page and it is a fabulous way to keep an eye on what your children have been doing at school. We also love to see what the children have been doing at home and parents often communicate this with us through Twitter.

SEN Consultations – through this we can help by:

*listening to your concerns and explaining what options are available, working in collaboration with you to ensure that your child receives the appropriate provision 

*supporting you at meetings and visits to schools and education settings

*guiding you through the Education, Health and Care Needs assessment process

*including you in discussions with schools and the local authority

*making sure your views influence the development of local policy and practice for children with special educational needs

*navigating the Local Offer and identifying relevant agencies 

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