Asthma Friendly School

Asthma Friendly Schools

We are proud to announce that our school is working towards being recognised as an Asthma Friendly School within St Helens.This program is a partnership between schools and NHS health authorities which sets out to recognise, educate and manage children with asthma.

Please see below our Asthma Policy that is updated annually and shared with all staff and Governors

Please see below two helpful links about using your inhaler and how to clean your inhaler

Our school nurse does regular drop-ins over the year so please look out for these dates and come along if you need any advice on asthma or any other health related issue.

There is a very useful free asthma app for families who live in St Helens. The app contains lots of resources and videos, a place to upload a personalised asthma action plan, somewhere to track symptoms, peak flows and set alerts for triggers like pollen/pollution, and reminders to take inhalers. You can find out more here

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