Church and School Partnerships

Church and School Partnerships

We are really lucky at Queen's Park to work with three different churches.

St Lukes CE Eccleston - We have two foundation governors from St Lukes that are committed to our school. Rev Helen visits school fortnightly to lead worship. We visit the church at different times of the year eg Harvest, Christmas, EYFS welcome service.  

Ormskirk Street URC - Our 'Worship Warriors' come from Ormskirk Street to lead worship half termly. We have recently welcomed Rev Cath, the new minister at Ormskirk Street. We have three governors that are from Ormskirk Street. We get to visit the Church regularly for different events such as Experience Easter and the Christmas Carol service.

Newtown URC - Rev Diane comes to deliver worship at our school half termly, the children really enjoy listening to her stories. We fundraise once a year with Newtown around Harvest time. This year we raised over £200 for Water Aid. Our year five and six get to visit the Church for Experience Pentecost and Transition Workshops.

This year we celebrated Education Sunday with a combined service of all three churches in our school hall with over 100 people attending.

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