At Queen's Park CE/URC Primary Schooll, we know that it is vital that our children attend school regularly and punctually to achieve best life outcomes. We want our children to become the best versions of themselves; academically, socially and morally as they prepare for their next stage of their education and good attendance is key to this.
‘Attendance is EVERYBODY’S business’
Working together is key to improving attendance and is the responsbility of all members of our school community to encourage and maintain good attendance. It really matters when your child is off school
We expect all our children to achieve at least a 97% attendance percentage each year. However, we know that there can sometimes be exceptional reasons why children cannot attend school, such as illness.
At Queen's Park, we will listen, understand, empathise and provide support when children are unable to attend school – however we will not tolerate poor attendance and will always be proactive in helping our families.